Jumat, 16 September 2011

Simple Things You Can Do To Extend The Life Of Your Car

As the price of new cars continue to get bigger every year, it is necessary to start thinking of them in the long tem instead of trading as often as we can. I know that I intend to drive my 2005 Nissan Titan to the wheels fall off. I broke his rule not to buy a new car because I was so in love with the look and performance of the truck.

There are many things you can do to your car or truck last longer some cost money, and some do not. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Never neglect your car's finish. Wash your vehicle regularly and do not let things like bug spray and road tar stay in color. These items can cause permanent pitting and scarring. If you live in an area that is near the coast or up north where the type of road you will need to wash more often to remove salt that can cause corrosion. We also want to keep good protectant on the end to protect it. I recommend you look good PTFE based products. It's the same thing used in Teflon pans. In my opinion you do not want wax on your car. Wax is good for one thing, candles. It is designed to melt under the heat, I do not think I want that on my car.

If you do not drive your car to keep it out of elements so that the garaging or parking in a covered parking. If you do not have access to something like this then buy to cover water repellant. I saw many vehicles destroyed just because they were left in the sun everyday and oxidized paint. This will happen very quickly on a darker red color and is especially sensitive.

The list of items that should be just common sense is regular maintenance. Having your oil changed, tune-up, and things like replacing the belts are all the regular maintenance things to do if you want your car to last as long as possible. Regular maintenance will go a long way to prolonging the life of your vehicle.

It's easy to say the vehicles are owned by people who care about their vehicles, because they will constantly look almost as good as they did when they were purchased, and in some cases we even look better.

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